Friday, June 29, 2012

Watch : Warhammer 48K reunite at Bitchpork 3. Final Treasure Town show tonight...

WARHAMMER 48K : BiiiTChPoRk. from GONZO CHICAGO on Vimeo.

Ah, Bitchpork 3.  Three full days of the hottest conditions known to any DIY show.  The police came on day two due to an influx of people on the patio, so they closed it down on that second day.  Temperatures reached above 100 degrees.  We had a giant bucket filled with beer each day, sticking in a rather nasty corner by the catbox.  How we survived seeing every band, every day, without any permanent injury, I'm still not quite sure.

The building will never be replicated, largely due to Mortville's insane and maniacal art installations.  Treasure Town's art frenzy via Nick Fisher and others.  The amount of shows we saw there is staggering.  It's a shame it ended senselessly, due to NATO and not in a "normal" way, like a show being busted, or them just closing the damn thing.  However, it had a run that lasted longer than most any DIY space I've ever heard of.  It should be celebrated, and surely will be remembered long after.

The final Treasure Town show is tonight.  The lineup is secret until you show up.  8PM.  Bring as much dough as you can part with.

The above video is from Warhammer 48K's reunion during Bitchpork 3.  A sweltering, insane close to day one of the festival.  Enjoy, and see you tonight.

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