Thursday, April 8, 2010


...the Lakeshore Theater is closing. Abruptly.

It's happening.

This weekend.

I still can't believe it.

Farewell good friend. I experienced Bob and David, Dave Atell, and Doug Stanhope all make me spit beer out of my mouth and cry tears of laughter.

Chicago is losing a landmark as far as i'm concerned.

Aside from Cymbals Eat Guitars, Titus Andronicus, Dillinger Escape Plan, Black lips, etc....which we'll get to :

Jaguar Love is playing a loft show, tommorow, today...Friday.

They played to what seemed like 50 people at Reggies tonight. It ruled.

It's true, Reggies does look like the TMNT1 skate park hangout.


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